Archive for conspiracy

The Charmer in Chief

Posted in hollywood influence, Opinion (Political), propaganda, US politics with tags , , on November 21, 2009 by AN Security

“Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.”  George Orwell

No, I don’t think that Barack Obama is a charming guy, not by a long shot. 


For that matter, I don’t see how people think he’s got rock star charisma either. However he’s more like one of those snake charmers from Appalachia; though he says his belief in the snake of oblivion is justified through scripture, handling is still a dangerous endeavor. In his case, his message is perhaps much more dangerous because they are so deeply imbedded in his psyche that he’ll do anything to advance his agenda. His personal brand at first portrayed as a new grassroots, clean and refreshing breath of air to the usual Washington insider’s shenanigans. Now even people who voted for him (yes, the ones who thought that ‘change’ would take care of right-wingers and not affect them) are puzzled to see that nothing he’s promised has been fulfilled. Well, actually, the guy is quite truthful; he’s been saying what he wanted to do all along, it’s just that folks simply hear what they want to hear but don’t analyze the content and relevance of his speeches which brings me to the point of propaganda and marketing approaches of the Democrat party.

                Beliefs can often be so strong as to make a reasonable person act strangely but some people actually believe in what they say or do and want you to be of the same persuasion. Perhaps the snake analogy doesn’t get through m ost people, so let me change it to mass hysteria, hypnosis, how’s that? One thing is to take scripture at face value and another is to let someone else interpret it for you. But tell me, why are Obama supporters going to rallies, are being more vocal about his policies and frankly act like someone lied to them? Maybe they are just as mesmerized (Franz Mesmer was a professional pervert by the way) by his message as the rest of us were terrified by his apocalyptic persona. Still, we fail to see the big picture. So let’s take a look at the sum of the parts rather than the whole because it’s obvious that we’ve been duped but this could have been prevented. Unfortunately, allowing a guy like Obama to serve as leader of the free world may be something that cannot be reversed even after he leaves office.

 There are many changes in the way we live our lives in America and for the most part the groundwork for these changes had been set over many generations until now, a time in the age of information, where everything is being recorded, stored and sent across the world in seconds and where the line between legitimate information and propaganda is blurred; masking the truth with the advent of a new era or world order and that new world order comes under a false premise. But how does a charmer make his way into power without being discovered? That depends on branding. While one man’s brand promises change nobody really needs, another wages an open revolution, crams it down the throats of his people, and then complains that others are simply scheming against him.

I can see the Obama phenomenon as the Russian royal family and their sidekick Rasputin which is aptly filled in by the likes of Oprah (the “Oracle”) who dishes out chic advice to the glamorous couple and tags along like a cabinet member. But other than that, of course, the connection with Hollywood buffoons and hangers on to join his cool posse really should make us curious because we’ve been eating this jacked up soup of worldly temptations for many generations and now we’ve reached the bottom of the terrine. So what’s next, dessert?  I’m getting a sour stomach actually and that post-party taste in the mouth ain’t pretty either.

In the case of Obama, this revolution was designed to be more covert, systematic but silent. After a while, speeches and cool sound bites run out of their own efficacy giving way to public awareness leading to brief pauses which could either swing things in the opposite direction if not handled promptly. We can’t let you all think for yourselves, you understand right? Like the snake charmer, the charmer needs the snake since without it there is no show or racket.  Surely the snake charmer can’t have an effect based on his personality. Obama can’t possibly work his magic alone  so behind him there must be a force large enough to sustain the attack on American values, our Constitution and civil liberties. The force must also be large and strong enough to see and counteract every defensive move we make.

Hollywood, NEA and how movies and pop culture can point you to the coming age

The news were really news a hundred years ago as forms of communication were limited to the technology of the time though with the advent of higher technology humanity went from smoke signals to the telegraph to the telephone and the party line to the world wide web. The amount of information out in the net is so overwhelming is the perfect environment because when there is much to sort through we will either persevere or give up searching for the truth. For a guy with no experience who has a big talent for gab aided by technology (teleprompter industry sure has experienced a boon, huh? Who said Obama hasn’t created jobs?)

Let me see. Right off the top of my head, health care reform, economic stimulus package, right of life debate, gun control, food labeling laws, cancer screenings, the H1N1 virus scare, reproductive rights, the list goes on.        I will be examining some of my favorite films and would like to see how the socialist message has been transmitted to the rest of us. I know it’s there. I’ve heard that disgusting whisper in my ear for most of my life; I just always hoped the message was just an attempt to take over our way of life and not an actual movement in progress. The enemy works in plain sight and all we do is sit and wait for John Wayne to save the day. Well, I’ve got news for you. John Wayne is gone and metro-sexual men are the flavor of the decade (yuck) and they’re not keen on saving anything but themselves.

There is nothing more unpleasant than to walk into a room and discover a thief robbing you. What do you do? Did you close the doors, windows; did you turn off the stove? They’re here and all we can do is prepare for battle, plain and simple. This blog is just about taking apart some of the pieces of the big lie to show you it’s been there all along. I know where it’s going to take me and don’t like it but I’d rather have truth than darkness, don’t you?